January 30: Ockhams Longlist Announced
January: ASLA DANZ Award Longlist
February 12: Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction Longlist
February 20: NZ Booklovers Awards Shortlist
February 22-23: HamLit, Hamilton
Februrary 25: International Booker Prize Longlist
March 4: Women’s Prize for Fiction Longlist
March 5: Ockhams Shortlist Announced
March 6: World Book Day (lecture in Dunedin, hosted by Otago Centre for the Book)
March 20: NZ Booklover Awards
March: ASLA DANZ Award Shortlist
March: Dublin Literary Award Shortlist
April 2: International Children’s Book Day (Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday)
April 2: Women’s Prize for Fiction Shortlist
April 6: Storylines Margaret Mahy National Awards Day
April 8: International Booker Prize Shortlist
April: new Te Awhi Rito (2025-2027) NZ Reading Ambassador announced
May 9 – 11: Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival
May 14: Ockhams NZ Book Awards
May 14: Orwell Prize Finalists
May 13 – 18: Auckland Writer’s Festival
May 20: International Booker Prize
May: ASLA DANZ Awards
May: Dublin Literary Award
May: Pulitzer Prizes
June 5: New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults shortlist
June 12: Women’s Prize for Fiction and Non-Fiction winners
June 20 – 27: NZ Mountain Film & Book Festival
June 25: Orwell Prize
July 18- 20: Marlborough Book Festival
August: Hamilton Book Month
August: Word Christchurch
August: New Zealand Poet Laureate announced
August 13: New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults winners
August 16: Hugo Award winner
August 22: Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day
September: New Zealand Young Writers Festival
October: Nobel Prize for Literature
October 17-19: Dunedin Writers & Readers Festival
November 2: Ladies’ Litera-Tea
November 18-20: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand (BSANZ) in conjunction with Otago Centre for the Book (Dunedin)
Have an important date for our calendar? We’ll building out this important resource so if you have a date in the diary for an event or campaign next year, think we should know about it or want our help to promote it, please get in touch.