Shooting Through: Campo 106 escaped POWs after the Italian Armistice

5:01 PM, 30 April 2020

Shooting Through cover

Book Title: Shooting Through: Campo 106 escaped POWs after the Italian Armistice

Katrina Kittel

Barrallier Books Pty Ltd trading as Echo Books


In September 1943, Italy capitulated to the Allies. Seizing the moment, prisoners of war walked out of Italian rice farms on the Piedmont plain west of Milan. Escape, for most, was easy. But what came next, the evasion phase of their war was in all likelihood more taxing and nagging on their resilience than the longer periods spent within prison camps. During their treks along ‘freedom trails’, Australians teamed with New Zealanders. Drawing on first-hand accounts and archival records, historian Katrina Kittel weaves escaper groups through time and theme, revealing post-escape outcomes. Shooting Through includes foreword by Professor Peter Monteath. Twenty-nine New Zealander POW stories are within the narrative including two killed in 1944. Appendices include 100 New Zealanders who reached Switzerland.


Katrina has been writing about POWs for Military Historical Society of Australia, Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ Our Mob Serving Country website, and for online and print publications by military unit Associations. Katrina holds a Bachelor of Arts (History) and a Master degree. Her father was a POW in Italy. Shooting Through is her first book.

A-format (standard paperback)

Senior school students and adult.

Katrina Kittel or Ingram lightning Source