Plaza Books
Kia Ora. Welcome to Plaza Books
We have THE best collection of manga, comics and graphic novels in Hawke's Bay - come and have a chat with Rory.
There are masses of great New Zealand books for both adults and children in stock - any that are not can usually be supplied within a day or two. Overseas titles are coming in daily (we've been choosing books for you for the last few months).
We have a good range of Jigsaw Puzzles, Crystal Puzzles, Metal Earth and some Airfix Kits too!
Feel free to ask if you don't see what you want and we will be happy to reserve stock so you do not miss out.
Opening Hours
Weekdays 8:30 - 5:30;
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00;
Sunday 10:00 - 5:00;
Public Holidays 10:00 - 4:00
Bay Plaza, 221 Russell Street, Hastings 4122
06 878 4082